Hello! My name is iMa (ee-mah) James Klco and I’m inspired by the beauty and
brilliance of nature to create my magical realism digital collages.
I‘m drawn to blending stunning, luminous images of nature with sacred mandalas and symbols. I also treasure the beauty of the feminine form from all cultures, and created my Earthly Queens collection as many different expressions of Mother Nature, throughout time and place. These works represent the gentle and nurturing qualities of the feminine, as well as the fierce and the protective.
Another theme I love exploring is being “Alive in the Dark”. Of bringing the light into darkness as a conscious, creative process. Of looking to the natural world as a source of light, and expanding into greater connection to our innate earthly
essence by focusing on nature in all of its aspects.
I wish to inspire you to feel awe for life in all its myriad forms.
I wish for you to feel uplifted by my artwork and to be reminded of
the miracles that we are and that we live amongst.